This was literally one of those times...I just happened to be in the neighborhood. I noticed DeStefano's SteakHouse was taking deliveries early in the afternoon. I wondered if this was a good time to be able to see him face to face since I made my post about his fine restaurant. I saw Joe at the door and gave em the ol "Hey - Mike..the Trolley Blogger". He smiled and invited me back in. We had a good chat about a good many things. He was pleased with the write up and the response we all gave him. He asked me in an e-mail if he could link the post to his website. Of course I said. The pleasure was all mine!

Joe related to me how he just started collecting Brooklyn themed memorablilia quite innocently, and how it was never intended for his restaurant. It's funny how life evolves that way. It seems a perfect fit. Joe like me, thinks Brooklyn is the greatest place in the world. After sharing stories and him allowing me to shoot more photos of the things I didn't get around to the first time around, I sensed I was holding him up a bit. I asked him as much. He agreed but told me, "...yea, but I don't care. I love talking about Brooklyn and stuff."
See, there ya go folks. It's just not me. We're all kinda nuts for this place.
I'll have you know, my reservation is in for next weekend for a nice dinner with my wife for my B-day. I can't wait till she sees the place. My wife of twenty years is a Manhattan girl and is still learning her way around Brooklyn. Sheesh! I'm looking foward to the evening out and spending part of it at Dee's SteakHouse.
Here are a few photos of all Brooklyn themed movies, and the view from the other end of his Wall of Fame.
These are a few of my all time favorites:
the cast of "Welcome Back Kotter"
Behind a glass cabinet were many old time Brooklyn relics.
The beer breweries were a major industry here
in Brooklyn back before Prohibition.
There were eight major breweries in the Bushwick area alone.
That was in a more classic time.
That's Leo "the Lip" Durocher pitching the local brew.
But as classics go, what better way to get a feel for a different era, than to look into these pictures at Dee's and let your imagination do the rest. I took all these pictures and believe me, there are so many more.
There are two pictures in particular you should take notice of; this sweatshirt of the Dodger Sym-Phony Band and T-shirt from the 1947 N.L. Champion Dodgers. Phil Caccavali was a member of the famous Sym-Phony Band; God rest his soul. These two shirts belonged to Phil. They were given to Joe by Phil's brother. They are the next two items that will find themselves in display cases on the wall soon.
Enjoy the pictures everyone, but just remember on your next trip to NYC, come over the bridge to DeStefano's. The Borough is changing faster than it has in a long time. I'm not saying for the worse or better. What I am saying, is if you want to know what a more classic time in Brooklyn used to offer, you can come get that feeling in a unique and authentic Brooklyn setting. DeStefano's SteakHouse is the real thing, built by the family, started in the neighborhood and loved by the locals. Come in and know Brooklyn. By the time you leave we'll have you saying - "Fuggedaboudit" all the way home.
Thank you Joe!! See you next Saturday, as myself for a change.
Post Script:
I'll have you know, Joe made quick mention during our conversations about one -
Me being a Red Sox Rooter and I believe he called me the "Yankee Rouser or Rouster"
Two: He also brought up my arch nemesis Fred Wilpon, owner of the N.Y. Mets, of which I am a fan. I had mentioned him in jest last time I was here about not being on the wall, but Joe seemed more interested in actually getting him on the wall. I hope Fred appreciates that! I put him through hell.
My point is, pay attention to detail folks. If you take care of the little details in life the larger problems will take care of themselves. Joe was prepared with details about me on a chance AND second encounter.
Sharp as a tack!...and that's what you're 'gonna' get here. He red up on me.
I tip my Brooklyn Dodger cap to you Sir!
My sincerest gratitude,
Mike, BTB