Friday, February 12, 2021

N.Y. Rangers: Smells Like Teen Suppression


The Best Teacher is Experience

To skate, or not to skate, that is the question.  Whether tis nobler throwing two teenagers into the fire, or by withholding stunt their development.  To score, perchance to dream ...

Ranger fans are still waiting for the wonder twins to activate.  Kaapo Kakko, through eleven games, has two goals and one assist.  Off-Broadway's newest sensation Alexis Lafreniere through twelve games, has just one goal and is a minus-four.

Coach Quinn has so far limited each to under fifteen minutes per game.  He also continues maneuvering both wingers up and down the lines and is yet to provide them with stable linemates.  Although, a rather precarious situation at the center position does not help settle matters.  But now, with Artemi Panarin out for Friday's game, I expect one if not both to receive eighteen to twenty minutes against Boston. 

There are no soft spots in the schedule.  This is a unique experience.  The division setup is unforgiving, and that's why you must play the kids now.  They'll be all the better for it come next season.  

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