
Thursday, August 19, 2021

OTD 8/19/1936: Dick "Cannonball" Redding Hurls Shutout; Brooklyn Royal Giants Defeat Eastside Red Sox at Paterson, N.J.


On Wednesday, August 19, 1936, before a crowd upwards of 10,000 fans, the Brooklyn Royal Giants defeated the Eastside Red Sox at Eastside Park, Paterson, New Jersey.

Backed by flawless fielding, Brooklyn's 46-years young right-hander Dick "Cannonball" Redding limits the Eastsiders to just three hits in a complete-game shutout effort.  Only Red Sox's first baseman Chuck Jamieson could corral Cannonball's offerings for two of Eastside's three hits.  Redding helps himself with a hit, but third baseman Bucky Johnson leads Brooklyn with a triple, home run, and two runs scored.  First baseman Ed Rile also accounts for two hits and Brooklyn's third run.

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