
Saturday, July 10, 2021

OTD 7/10/1940: Brooklyn Royal Giants Versus Puerto Rico All-Stars Rained Out at Breese Stevens Field, Wisconsin


"This Wednesday night at the ballpark the Puerto Rican All-Stars are going to play the Brooklyn Royal Giants, a Negro league club that was here a year ago.  This is the first tour of the Puerto Rican team in the United States.  Game starts at 8:15.  Men 44 cents and women 28 cents." - Wisconsin State Journal, July 9, 1940

"The Puerto Ricans are making their first tour of the United States and are considered one of the outstanding attractions in semi-pro ranks.  They defeated the Duncan Cementers of Oklahoma, 1939, National Semi-Pro Congress champions, in a series last fall."

Manager and First Baseman

Breese Stevens Field
Madison, Wisconsin

PUERTO RICO - Official LBPRC historian, Jorge Colon Delgado, and proprietor of, identified for me the pitcher as Rafael Ortiz.


"CHICAGO (AP) - The winner of the semipro National championship will represent the United States in a "semipro world series" at San Juan, Puerto Rico in mid-September, against the Puerto Rican champions." - Herald And Review (Decatur, Illinois), Tuesday, July 9, 1940

The reining champions at the time were Los Brujos de Guayama; they would be unseated in the 1940-1941 season by Los Criollos de Caguas.  In 1942, Hiram Bithorn became the first Puerto Rican to play in the major leagues.

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