
Sunday, May 02, 2021

On This Day at Washington Park 5/2/1908: Brooklyn Colored Giants Defeat Bronx F.C. in Battle of Boroughs

By 1906, Brooklyn Royal Giants' owner John W. Conner had struck up an acquaintance with one Charles Hercules Ebbets, president of the Brooklyn Superbas.  They agree that when the National League team is on the road, the still fledgling Brooklyn Royal Giants can play some of their home games at the refurbished Washington Park located along Fourth Avenue and Third Street in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn.  In 1908, this informal agreement is extended to Grant "Home Run" Johnson and his new aggregation, the Brooklyn Colored Giants who this season would play at Washington Park on the Saturdays that manager Pat Donavan's Superbas were away from home.

On Saturday, May 2, 1908, the Brooklyn Colored Giants featuring the great Grant "Home Run" Johnson host the Bronx Field Club at Washington Park.  Brooklyn scores early, often, and late in this latest battle of the boroughs en route to a commanding 12-1 victory over the visiting Bronx County nine.  

Grant Johnson this day plays behind the plate with Emery completing the battery.  Among Brooklyn batters, (SS) Paul, Grant Johnson, (CF) Murphy, and (2B) Gardner account for eleven of the Giants' hits.  Everyone in Brooklyn's lineup, except for (LF) Howell, scores at least once; Paul crosses the plate three times while third baseman Fuller and Johnson score two runs apiece, respectively.  

"The batting and fielding of the home team prevented the visitors offering the semblance of a close contest during the eight inning game, and when Brown went to third on Green's single and scored on Schaefer's hit to midfield the invaders saved themselves a shutout." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Bronx F.C. does themselves no favors in committing six fielding errors, including one by the catcher Schaffer and at least one each from all four members of the infield (two at shortstop).  Otherwise, the Giants amass fifteen hits against Bronx starter Riley, three going for extra bases, three walks; they swipe five bases and leave nine runners on base.  Emery earns the victory after yielding a lone run on six hits, two walks, ten strikeouts, and one hit-by-pitch for good measure. 

This second boxscore appearing in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle details the same game but with conflicting results.  The final score reads 11-1 in this account.  As opposed to Howell being the lone Giant to not score a run, he is herein listed with two runs scored and it is second baseman Gardner who fails to score from among the lineup.  Grant Johnson also goes from being credited with eleven putouts down to eight, and first baseman Smith increasees from five putouts to nine.  Brooklyn likewise goes from fifteen totals hits and none by starting pitcher Emery, to sixteen hits including two by Emery.  In turn, Bronx is charged with four errors, not six. 

  • Saturday, May 9, 1908: the Brooklyn Colored Giants host the Resolutes of Washington. 

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